Category Archives: SPAM

Recommended Tool For SPAM Fast


If you would like to get more out of your devotional and bible study times during SPAM Fast it is recommended that you use a journal. You can write down your thoughts, what God has said to you, prayers, and promises from the Bible that blessed you during your fasting. Later on in your life you can go to your journal and you will be reminded on how God aided and guided you as you set aside time for Him during your week (or more if the Holy Spirit impressed you to fast longer). The journal doesn’t have to be fancy, just pick one that you would like to use as your special SPAM Fast Journal and start writing in it when you get the chance. You will experience great spiritual rewards as you do this!

Getting Started


Before we partake of any fast the first thing we must do is to prepare our souls. If we jump right in without doing this we may stop the fast altogether and may not even attempt to undertake it again. Here are some steps to help us get started:

1. Pray, pray, pray. This can’t be emphasized enough. Prayer is talking with God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and He has all power to help us succeed in all things that are in accordance to His will. Fasting from the world is truly according to His will. I think it makes Him very happy when we truly desire to be empty from worldliness so that we can be filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit.
On the day before the fast dedicate some time to sincerely ask God to help you. Tell Him that you want more of Him and less of what your carnal nature wants. Ask Him to lead and guide you so that the times of separation from the world will be times of sweetness and refreshing to your spirit. Believe that God heard your prayer and He will answer you.

2. Get the alternatives. Get your Bible ready along with good Christian reading material that will benefit you during your fast. I personally recommend authors such as Charles Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, and Oswald Chambers. These great men of faith have great insights of the teachings of the Bible and Christian living. I would also recommend a great woman of faith named Ellen White. Her books cover many topics and have been translated into many languages. If you don’t have their works you can purchase them at your local Christian bookstore or read some of their articles on the internet. Or you can check their books out at your local library.
Be sure to test what they say against the Word of God. Don’t accept what they say because they said it, but see what God has to say about it. It’s what God wants, and it’s what they would want too.

3.Get good Bible study material. The more you acquaint yourself with scripture, the more you will love it and find it to be more satisfying and enjoyable than anything man has made. There are excellent bible studies online that you can do for free on the computer or through the mail.

Here are some sites that have been helpful to me in my bible study times: (click on the Bible School button on their site.) (you will find a smorgasbord of Bible studies and lessons here!) (Check out their Discover Bible Study Guides and also their Prophecy Study Guides on Daniel and Revelation. These will blow your mind away!)

4. Check out this blog for music, messages, and videos that will help you through your fast. Each month there will be a different spiritual fast to undertake for a week. If the Holy Spirit impresses you to fast from a certain thing for a little longer you can always come back to the blog and read and listen to the messages again. They will not be deleted when the week is up. They will always be here to encourage, strengthen, and help you.

5. Train your mind. When you come home from work or school and feel the urge to watch that certain television show or play that exciting video game, stop and pray. Ask God to take the desire away from you. Then get your Bible, study guides, good Christian books, and use your time for fellowship with God instead. This may take a while to get used to, but do not get discouraged. Even if you should fall, pick yourself up and hold onto God’s mighty hand. He will help make your new desire for Him a reality.

Are you ready? Then let’s get started on this awesome adventure.



A long time ago I read a story from the book, “The Prayer of Jabez for Teens” by Bruce Wilkinson, about a young girl who decided to get away from the world for a week. She prayed and read the Bible instead of indulging herself in secular media entertainment. It was a real challenge for her but God rewarded her faithfulness in the end. She became a better Christian and realized that many of the things she liked were not good for her. The fast she embarked on was called SPAM, which is an acronym for Spiritual Preparation and Meditation. What a wonderful exercise to draw the soul closer to God!

I’ve tried looking up this awesome fast in search engines but couldn’t come up with any results about it. I guess SPAM is unknown to the public or is long gone. A fast like this would truly scare Satan for it would free many people from the clutches of the world, which is his kingdom. Perhaps he’s trying to hide this from sincere Christians because he doesn’t want them to be totally devoted to God and His Kingdom. But he didn’t succeed.

There are some Christians who realize that you can’t have one foot in the world and one foot in Heaven and they are encouraging their brothers and sisters to leave the things of this world behind and to draw closer to God. Some are even recommending fasting from secular media for a certain period so that the participants can be filled more with the Holy Spirit. One preacher encouraged his congregation to fast from secular television for 10 days during a revival series. Wow! Imagine how ready the soul would be to receive the Holy Spirit by doing that!

There are some Christians who saw things in the secular media that they hadn’t noticed before as a result of prayer and Bible study. These people are sharing with the public the things they have discovered and are warning them of the dangers of Satan’s devices. These messengers are heavily criticized and are accused of being fanatics by those who don’t understand or  can’t see. Their messages are hard to digest sometimes but you can learn from them if you have a prayerful and opened mind when you listen to them. Their messages may surprise and change you. They may even make you love God more.

This blog was created with the desire to revive the SPAM Fast for Christians who wish to take their relationship with God to new heights. It will feature posts, videos, music, prayers, and links that will help those who wish to embark on their own SPAM Fast.

There will be different categories of this fast. We will not only tackle the secular media but will also get into emotions and other things that can make a person stumble in their walk with God. However we will deal with them one at a time.

Before you start it is recommended that you first pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in this decision that is totally against human nature. God will sweeten the experience so that the struggles don’t get you down.

Are you truly ready to fast?