Category Archives: Secular Television

Day 3: Walking In Nature


On this third day of fasting from secular television, let’s take a walk in nature and see God’s love through His created works.

Praise God for His wonderful works!

Now let’s listen to some amazing facts about the humming bird.

Prayer: Thank you, God for the things You have created in nature. Thank you for all things bright and beautiful, and for all creatures great and small. Thank you for showing us Your love and care in Your created works. May we remember the lesson of the hummingbird and daily commit our lives to reading and studying Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Day 7: “Your Love Broke Through”, Keith Green


Wow, this is the last day of fasting from Secular Television! We have learned about the powerful effects that television has on our minds and how certain films portray the Gospel of Jesus Christ in negative ways.

Here’s our closing song for our SPAM Fast from Secular Television:

I pray that God’s love broke through for you and your family during this week.

Day 6: Overview and Charles Spurgeon On Prayer


Our SPAM Fasting from secular television is almost over. We have learned a lot about the dangers that are displayed on the TV box, how they affect our relationship with God and others. We also learn that we can overcome our desire to watch the things of this world with the help of Jesus.

We also took a nature walk on the third day and saw the wonderful things that God had created. We learned about His love and care by observing the ways He takes care of His creatures. And we gathered a grand lesson from the life of the little hummingbird on the importance of making the Bible a part of our lives.

The best part of fasting from secular television is that we have extra time to pray to God. Here are some great messages on prayer and the power of prayer by Charles Spurgeon!

Day 5: The Gospel Twisted In Movies


“The Gospel Twisted in Movies”

If you joined me last month when we were fasting from video games, you have discovered that certain video games undermine the Gospel and the character of Jesus Christ in ways that would be considered sacrilegious and blasphemous. Sadly, Hollywood has made some movies that do the exact same thing.

I found this passage from the book, ” The New World Order”, by Russell Burrill and I would like to share it with you.

“Some of the most beloved and popular films of our day undermine basic Christianity with New Age thinking. The popular ‘Star Wars’ films took the basic Bible story of the controversy between good and evil and relegated it to intergalactic space. Instead of ‘God be with you’, people now said ‘the force be with you.’ Insidiously, the force had replaced God. Even one of the most popular films of all time, ‘E.T.’, undermined basic Christianity by substituting E.T. for Christ. For example, in the closing scenes of the film, E.T. dies, is clothed in a white linen shroud, is resurrected, and ascends into the heavens as those who found him look on. Those scenes bear unmistakable references to the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. In the minds of many Americans, E.T. and the heroes of ‘Star Wars’ have replaced Christ and the Christian heaven.”

The New Word Order, Russell Burrill, pg. 149, Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by Seminars Unlimited, Second Printing April 1993, Printed in the United States of America by the Review and Herald Publishing Association

If you would like more information on how movies distort the messages of the Bible please check out “Battlefield Hollywood” by Little Light Studios. These videos are really good on this subject.

Day 4: Recommended Videos


Here are some videos that are recommended to watch during this week of fasting from secular television.

This film shows how degraded we have become through the power of the media. The full movie is available on Youtube.

This seminar is very interesting. It shows how we should be careful with what we decide to watch on television.

Check out this awesome documentary from Little Light Studios! They now have their own homepage on Youtube that features this and other interesting subjects.