Tag Archives: strength

“The Spirit Of Love”


For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. Romans 5:5

Is it impossible for a Christian to live this life of love? Often we make little progress in this spirit of love because of our unbelief and lack of faith in God’s promises.

We need continually to remind ourselves that it is not in our own strength that we can reach the love of Christ. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts daily by the Spirit of God. It is only as we are wholly surrendered to the Spirit that we will be able to live according to God’s will. When the inner life of love is renewed from day to day, we shall love others.

You can pray with Paul: “When I think of the wisdom and scope of God’s plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father… that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will give you mighty inner strength through His Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in Him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love really is” (Ephesians 3:14-18). You may know this love on one condition: You must be strengthened by the Spirit so that Christ may dwell in your heart.

Take this message from God’s Word. Unless you are on your knees you cannot live in this love. A life of prayer will make a life of love to Christ, other Christians, and those without Christ a reality in your experience.

From “God’s Word For Growing In Prayer: Devotional Thoughts On Talking With God”, Compiled From The Works Of Andrew Murray, pg. 24

“Obey The Word Of God”


People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God. Matthew 4:4

Bread is indispensable to life. We all understand this. However strong a person may be, if he takes no nourishment he will grow weaker and eventually die. Even so with the Word of God.

Bread must be eaten. I may know all about bread. I may give it to others. I may have bread in my house and on my table to great abundance, but that will not help me. I must eat the bread. If through illness I am unable to eat it, I shall die. Likewise, mere knowledge of God’s Word and even preaching it to others will not help me. It is not enough to think about it. I must feed on God’s Word and take it into my heart and life.

Bread must be eaten daily, and the same is true of God’s Word. The psalmist says: “They delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about His law” Psalm 1:2). “Oh how I love Your law! I think about it all day long” (Psalm 119:97). To secure a strong and powerful spiritual life, spending time in God’s Word every day is indispensable. When on earth the Lord Jesus learned, loved, and obeyed the word of the Father. If you seek fellowship with Him, you will find Him in His Word.

From “God’s Word For Growing In Prayer: Devotional Thoughts On Talking With God”, Compiled From The Works Of Andrew Murray, pg. 14


“History Of Memorization”, Chad Kreuzer


Memorizing the Bible gives strength and power during difficult times. Learn about the rewards and experiences of Christians in the past who have made it a habit to hide God’s Word in their hearts. This is not an opportunity to miss or ignore!